Research Symposium

Honors Research symposium 2024
Thank you to all who presented and attended the 2024 Honors Research Symposium making it a success!
Read about it in this NinerInsider article.
Check back for information on the 2025 Honors Research Symposium.
The Honors College, in collaboration with the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) hosts the Honors Research Symposium during the Fall semester. This annual event is a unique opportunity for undergraduate UHP, BHP, AAHP honors students, disciplinary honors students, and OUR students to present the results of their inquiry to the UNC Charlotte community.
While participation to present at the Symposium is only open to UNC Charlotte honors students and OUR students, we welcome fellow students, honors program directors, honors faculty, mentors, other faculty and adjuncts, administrators, staff, and other supporters of undergraduate student inquiry to attend this event to learn, ask questions, and provide feedback!
The Honors Research Symposium features a keynote speaker or panel of student alumni, posters and oral presentations, and a reception.
If you have questions about the Honors Research Symposium, please contact Dr. Cindy Gilson (
December 3, 2024, 2:30 pm-6:30 pm, Cone Center
Cone 111, 112, 113, 208, 210, 265 – student presentations
Lucas Room – posters and reception
McKnight Auditorium – Opening remarks and speakers
Link to Symposium Site
Important Dates:
Student Submission Deadlines | Attendance Registration Deadlines |
Student abstracts due by October 31, 2024 using the submission link in Symposium. | In person attendees should register by November 15, 2024. |
Student presentation content (pdf of slides or poster) due to Symposium by November 25, 2024. | All attendees for virtual attendance should register by December 1, 2024. |
Once we have a final count on the number of student presenters, we’ll send presentation times to students. |
2:30-2:45 – Check in
2:45-3:00 – Opening Remarks
3:00-3:10 – Transition
3:10-4:10 – Poster and oral presentations (concurrent)
4:10-4:20 – Transition
4:20-5:20 – Poster and oral presentations (concurrent)
5:20-5:30 – Transition
5:30-6:00 – Speakers
6:00-6:30 – Reception
Student Resources
Students, it’s important for you to start looking for potential inquiry topics early! This gives you the opportunity to reach out to faculty and staff here at Charlotte that could help and guide you through this process. Establishing a community that can assist you in every aspect of your research is very important and can make this entire process a lot easier to manage versus doing it all alone. Even if you don’t have a definite grasp on what you want to research, bringing up your ideas to the staff here could help reduce any doubt or help you solidify your idea. Additionally, starting early gives you the time to get through all of your ideas and begin putting everything together so that you’re well prepared to present your work at the symposium.
Guidance on how to write an abstract
Need some help writing your abstract? Refer to this doc: Guidance on how to write an abstract
Guidance for Posters and Oral Presentations:
The guidelines for Honors Students are slightly different than for OUR students. Please read the helpful information located in the appropriate link below.